
Did you know it takes about 90,840 drops of water to make a gallon? And, a milliliter is made up of 20 drops. So, a drop ain’t much. Yet, somehow drop by drop, things can change dramatically in business and life. With each droplet something different starts to emerge – for better or worse. When you stop and think about it, these tiny collections of water molecules have everything to do with business and life.


We all love to see things work perfectly well. Think of a speedboat cruising past you. Think of a toy water pistol streaming water out at a kid’s birthday party. Following laws of physics, key design principles of buoyancy and power, they work beautifully! What if things are off by a little bit – a droplet’s worth, say – in the manufacturing process or in the structural design? The speedboat still will not sputter, sink, or crash. The water gun will not drip; it will draw. In the physical realm there is room for error. But what about in the metaphysical realm?

Thankfully, as it relates to how we talk, think, and act, there’s room for error too! Consider our country is run by the rule of law. When followed, things work well. If off by a little bit, it’s okay. Cheat on your taxes some, no biggie we all do it right? Drive 75 in a 65, no problem – just keeping pace with everyone else. Push it a little in a no wake zone and some boats rock. So what? These are all but fleeting droplets in time.

Introducing Macrodrops

Now, there is such as a thing as macrodops. This is where the drops are so big that gravity starts to impact them. How? The drops don’t stand as tall. Different things start to happen to them. So what are the macrodrops – off by a lot, not a little – in how we live? Let’s see. You sit on the highest court of the land and think nothing of being influenced by money. You are in the country’s legislative branch or central bank and you trade on insider information. You insure people then do everything you can not to pay when it’s time to. You put profits ahead of safety and a door pops out midflight. Oops. What to do?

Each droplet we have described is an out of integrity. A little here, a little there, actually does add up. Macrodrops of no integrity are hard to dry off. In the examples shared above, public trust drowns while cynicism and resignation float on. The world is a little worse off. In a capitalist society, learn to expect these things to happen since money is the name of the game. Accept this reality, so you can impact it for it doesn’t have to be your game. Instead, in your life, strive to have integrity be your game. Why?

We Are The World

Everything counts and people really are watching. Most importantly, you are watching yourself. There is no world separate from you. There is no world out there and you in here. You are the world today. Your actions matter. You matter. You set the example. Really. It starts with being honest with yourself about who you are and what your intentions are. The rules apply to you. Follow them. Do we have the rule of law or the drool of law? It's up to you.

How about drip by drip you put integrity in with your business and personal life? Do the right thing without being prompted. What might that make possible? For sure the macrodrops will evaporate and you will have something wonderful – like workability and peace of mind – emerge in your life.

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


Rein in Your Rain


Supertubos! (Intern Edition)