Water Cycle Internship (Intern Edition)

After reflecting on my first month at Agile Rainmakers, I came to a realization; much like the mechanisms that allow for rain, this internship is a cycle.

Humans so often walk through the world looking up at the sky. They notice the sun, the clouds, and precipitation. What so few consider, however, is that what we see above, starts below. The rain that so frequently annoys, supplies the crops we eat, the water we drink, the technology we use, and every other aspect of our lives. 

As we all learned in elementary school, the water evaporates, condenses into clouds and when they saturate, precipitation follows. 

If this cycle didn’t exist, we wouldn’t either.  

Rob’s company, Agile Rainmakers, exemplifies this. At the top of the morning, every morning, the interns, employees, and leadership come together and talk. 

And so, the process begins. 

We elaborate on days past, speak of what went well, what could have gone better, and what is next. The ideas, plans, and realizations rain upon each person in the room. 

We go to our workspaces and allow the ideas to congregate into the collective mind of the company. At this moment, static begins to form. A tangible feeling of building power, the ability to make a change, fills the room. Our collective power, combined with the freedom to do what we need and the clarity to communicate effectively, builds a cloud looming over us all.

Then, we reach critical mass. The idea of one meets the plans of another, and here forms a spark, and that’s all we needed.

The constant collaboration allows us to strike our clients with solutions to their problems. Whether it be a bit of static that addresses a small problem, or a thunderstorm that shifts the entire trajectory of the company, we will make an impact. 

Inevitably, the day must end, we go home, and when we return, it rains again.

We start anew each day, a new cycle, a new chance to make a thunderous impact on those around us.

There is a reason the name is Agile Rainmakers.


Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


A Summer Riptide Month (Part Two)


A Summer Riptide Month (Part One)