One And A Half Liters

I recently had an insight about business and life that left me gobsmacked. Paying attention to this under-appreciated aspect of our lives will make all the difference. The opportunity I saw in really thinking about this insight left my mouth watering with a taste of all kinds of possibilities. 


Did you know that the saliva in your mouth is made up of 99% water and only a tiny fraction of other things like protein? This unique mixture assists your digestive system in so many ways beyond just starting the process of breaking down foods as you swallow. Saliva also forms a tiny layer of itself on the surface of your teeth to prevent wear and tear. It also helps you taste food because its liquid form moves chemicals to your taste buds. What would your digestive health be without saliva?  

Spit It Out 

Now, think of how hard it would be to talk without saliva. Typically, folks deal with too much saliva, leading to drooling or spitting while talking. But I want to focus on the difference saliva makes just to talk. Imagine you have dry mouth because your salivary glands aren’t producing enough saliva. Not enough saliva will lead to a burning sensation in your mouth, very little sense of taste, and difficulty speaking. What would your speaking be without saliva?  

In And Out 

How much of business and life passes through your mouth? So much of business is talking and expressing yourself. There’s a saying that communication is leadership. When you speak and make promises and declarations, you are creating a future for your business. What comes out of your mouth is, in a lot of ways, your business. It is also your life when you speak about your relationships or about your heart’s desires. What comes out of your mouth, courtesy of saliva, creates your life.  

Consider what goes into your mouth is equally important. Mostly, we all deal with having a healthy diet. Obesity is a huge societal challenge. And it all passes into the mouth. When you make adjustments to what goes in your mouth, your body and your mind alter. And again, without saliva, good luck getting anything down your system. 

Gland You're Here 

Only about one and half liters of saliva are produced every day to support your oral hygiene and digestive process. That’s it! Perhaps mastering what comes out of your mouth (your speaking) and what comes into your mouth (your nutrition) is the access to an extraordinary life. So, as you swallow this mouth-watering insight, do as your mom always told you and watch your mouth. 

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


Knots, Minutes, and Miles

